How to Obtain Therapy Animal ESA Evaluation Letters

If you are considering obtaining therapy animal status for your pet, there are a few things you need to do first. One of these is to obtain evaluation letters from your veterinarian. These letters will certify that your pet qualifies for the My ESA Doctors program and can receive reimbursement for the service provided. In order to obtain these letters, you will likely need to provide documentation of your pet’s medical conditions and how therapy animal services have helped to improve them. You may also be asked to provide photos or videos of your pet in action, which can help prove their usefulness.


Step 1: Find a qualified therapist to evaluate your need for an ESA.

Since an emotional support animal (ESA) can provide relief for people with mental health conditions, it’s important to find a qualified therapist to evaluate your need for an ESA. Not every therapist is familiar with prescribing ESAs, so you’ll want to ask and ensure you see someone who knows what they’re doing.

The therapist will need to evaluate your condition and determine if an ESA would suit you. They may also ask you to provide some documentation from your doctor confirming that you have a mental health condition.

If everything looks good and the therapist feels that an ESA would benefit you, they will help you complete the necessary paperwork and get started on your journey to getting an ESA.

Step 2: Fill out the evaluation form and submit it to the ESA therapist.

It is important to be completely honest with the therapist and accurately fill out the evaluation form. The form asks for information about your mental health history, current mental state, and other relevant information. Be as truthful as possible when answering the questions, as this will help the therapist provide you with the best possible care.

Step 3: Wait for the ESA therapist’s response.

The ESA therapist’s response is crucial for children with autism. A study from the University of Utah found that when parents waited for the therapist’s response before reacting to their child’s behavior, the child was less likely to engage in problem behaviors. In other words, when parents waited for the therapist’s feedback, it gave them a chance to see what worked and didn’t work with their child. This information can then be used to help their child in future interactions better.

Step 4: If approved, receive your ESA letter.

If you are a pet owner suffering from a mental or emotional disability, having an ESA letter can provide many benefits for you and your pet. A My ESA Doctors  letter allows you to keep your pet with you in no-pet housing, fly with your pet in the cabin of an airplane, and more. Obtaining an ESA letter is simple; you only need a doctor’s note stating that you have a mental or emotional disability and that your pet provides therapeutic support.